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99 results:
01.10.2019 | Publication | Publication
The Inventory of Youth Employment Program in Egypt – A snapshot of a Dynamic Field
This booklet aims to map all active and effective youth employment programs in the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the hope that it will be a tool for knowledge sharing and promoting synergies among…  
Call for Application: Climate and Energy Policies Advocacy of Youth in the Arab World
The Regional Climate and Energy project (located in Jordan) of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Germanwatch e.V. are happy to announce the open call for application for the regional project on…  
31.12.2018 | Publication | Publication
Policy Papers on: Strengthening Civil Society organizations for enhancing Education Services
This publication in collaboration with CARE international in Egypt aims to contribute the policy debate surrounding educational reform in Egypt. It tackles 8 key issues such as the status of…  
30.12.2018 | Publication | Publication
The Impact of Egypt-EU Free Tarde Agreement on Egypt’s Manufacturing Export & Employment
Reshaping the Euro-Mediterranean relations became a necessity in the aftermath of the Arab Spring in several South Mediterranean Countries (SMCs), including Egypt. The objective of this paper is…  
23.12.2018 | Publication | Publication
Policy Brief: Mainstreaming Electric Vehicles in Egypt
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Egypt Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and CEDARE hosted a Sustainable Transport Egypt 2018 Conference on Electric Mobility and the Advent of…  
23.12.2018 | Event | Event
Series of Workshops on Renewable Energy and Climate Change in schools - Giza, September – December 2018
Egypt is one of the developing countries that is extremely vulnerable to climate change threatening its economic, social and environmental sustainability especially water, energy and food security.  
20.12.2018 | Event | Event
International Conference: Cleaner Mobility and the advent of Electric Vehicles - Cairo, 24-25 October 2018
Transport is an essential part of our everyday lives. It enables access to employment, business, education, health services, and social interaction. In addition, it is a major driving force behind a…  
Opening a new job position: Program Manager
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) herewith announces the opening of a new job position as Program Manager on Sustainable Projects at its Egypt Office, Cairo as of February 2019. To read the…  
29.11.2018 | Event | Event
Workshop on „Policy Alternatives of Inclusive Social Protection “, Cairo November 2018
Egypt's social security systems suffer from inefficiency and lack of coordination, inadequate coverage especially outside urban agglomerations and the uneven distribution of benefits. Less than 50%…  
10.05.2018 | News | News
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Appoints Richard Probst as the Eleventh Resident Representative for Egypt Country Office
Cairo, Egypt, 10 May 2018 – At the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Mr. Armin Hasemann was feted by staff members to mark the end of his effective 5-years term as the tenth Resident Representative for…  
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